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Search By Kode SMI (Ketik SMI ..... ) Contoh: SMI 0080

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WhatsApp (WA): 0857.4567.5454 (Tidak SMS/Telp)
EMAIL: sucks182@gmail.com
LINE: denys182
Wechat: denys182
TELEGRAM Messenger: @denys182
Google Hangouts: sucks182@gmail.com
Signal: 0857.4567.5454

Format Pemesanan Film SEMI ASIA By Upload ke Google Drive

1. SMI 0001
2. SMI 0002
3. SMI 0003
4. SMI 0004
5. SMI 0005
6. SMI 0006
Dan Lain-Lain.
Akun Google: akun.contoh@gmail.com

Hitungan Harganya Gimana?
Harga Tiap Judul adalah 5.000 / Judul
(Minimal Order Adalah 10 Judul)

Dengan Ketentuan Sebagai Berikut:
1. Wajib Punya Account Google (Gmail) Aktif.
* Ketika Download Harus Sign in di Account Google Dulu, Karena Link Akan di Share kepada Account Google Buyer (Pembeli)
2. File (Film) Bisa diputar di Smart Phone, Smart TV, PC, Laptop.
3. Proses Upload Memerlukan Waktu, Akan di Proses Sesuai Jumlah Pesanan dan Antrian Yang Sudah Transfer Terlebih Dahulu, Pasti Diusahakan Secepatnya..

Format Pemesanan Film SEMI ASIA By DVD Atau Harddisk

1. SMI 0001
2. SMI 0002
3. SMI 0003
4. SMI 0004
5. SMI 0005
6. SMI 0006
Dan Lain-Lain.
Kota Tujuan - TANGERANG
Kecamatan - Ciputat

Hitungan Harga By DVD Berapa?
Harga Tiap Judul adalah 5.000 / Judul
(Minimal Order Adalah 10 Judul)

Hitungan Harga By Harddisk Berapa?
Harga Tiap Judul adalah 5.000 = 2.500 / Judul
(Minimal Order Adalah 500 Judul)

* Harga by Harddisk adalah belum termasuk Harga Harddisk Kosongan (Harddisk Baru)

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions (Wajib Dibaca)

Format Pemesanan Bagaimana?
Ada Diatas Gan... :)

Harga Berapa?
Ada Diatas ya gan harganya...

Minimal Order Berapa Judul?
Minimal Order 10 Judul.

Format Film Nya Apa ?
MKV, AVI, MP4, Dan lain-Lain

Bisa Diputar di DVD Player?
Tidak Bisa

Harga Bisa Nego Atau Tidak?
Harga NETT Bos..

Telp Kok Nggak Diangkat?
Untuk Komunikasi Hanya Melalui:
WhatsApp (WA): 0857.4567.5454 (Tidak SMS/Telp)
EMAIL: sucks182@gmail.com
LINE: denys182
Wechat: denys182
TELEGRAM Messenger: @denys182
Google Hangouts: sucks182@gmail.com
Signal: 0857.4567.5454

Bisa COD (Cash On Delivery) / Ketemuan?
Pasti Tidak Bisa (Barang HOT)

DOWNLOAD List Exel Semi Asia Update JUNI 2024

SMI 5732 - Yoon Yul-ah’s Three Cushion (2022)


SMI 5731 - Yellow House (2023)


SMI 5730 - Woman Who Was Bullied by a Beast Man (2024)


SMI 5729 - Woman Who Fell Into the Indecency of a Famous Detective (2023)


SMI 5728 - Woman Who Falls Under a Real Spell Once a Month (2024)


SMI 5727 - Woman Riding Leggings With Her Lower Body Bulging on The Bicycle Seat (2021)


SMI 5726 - Woman Hunting Bijo Kari (2011)


SMI 5725 - Woman Deceived By Her Ex Boyfriend And Given Training All Night Long (2023)


SMI 5724 - Wind Blows (2021)


SMI 5723 - Wife Shipped As A Mannequin For Her Husband (2023)


SMI 5722 - Why Dads Go to School Often (2023)


SMI 5721 - White River (2023)


SMI 5720 - When The Panties Of The Aunt Cleaning The Bathroom Get Wet (2024)


SMI 5719 - Wet Bottom Elite Maid (2023)


SMI 5718 - We Are The Only Ones Left in The Company (2023)


SMI 5717 - Wanted Girlfriend (2024)


SMI 5716 - Wag Mong Agawin Ang Akin (2022)


SMI 5715 - Two Sisters in law Draining Their Horny Brother in law Naked (2024)


SMI 5714 - Two Sisters In Law (2016)


SMI 5713 - Two Sisters 3 (2020)


SMI 5712 - Two Faced Husband (2024)


SMI 5711 - Tutor and Bright Family (2024)


SMI 5710 - True Story, the Reason for an Affair (2024)


SMI 5709 - True Sister (2019)


SMI 5708 - Today’s Forecast Is Wet (2023)


SMI 5707 - TL (2024)


SMI 5706 - Time Stop Sex (2023)


SMI 5705 - Ticket Coffee Shop (2017)


SMI 5704 - Threesome A Secret Proposal (2024)


SMI 5703 - This is The Best Sex Restaurant (2021)


SMI 5702 - There is Light (2013)


SMI 5701 - The Transparent Girls Second Story (2022)


SMI 5700 - The Temptation Of The Building Owner Jaehee (2022)


SMI 5699 - The Sisterhood, The Sisterhood (2019)


SMI 5698 - The Reason Why I Was Taken By The Horny Yukdeok Female Leader (2024)


SMI 5697 - The Married Woman Upstairs is Directly Connected To in Just 1 Minute (2024)


SMI 5696 - The Lady Punisher (1994)


SMI 5695 - The Karma of Sex (1999)


SMI 5694 - The Inside Story Of A Middle Aged Man Who Got Into Trouble With His Young Boss (2024)


SMI 5693 - The Influence of Sex on Dieting (2016)


SMI 5692 - The Girl Next Door Comes To Me


SMI 5691 - The Daughter in law (2018)


SMI 5690 - Sister’s Rice Cake Evangelism (2023)


SMI 5689 - Sister’s Erogenous Zone (2023)


SMI 5688 - Sister They Caught Us Having Sex (2023)


SMI 5687 - Sister Raising What Happened at Campin (2021)


SMI 5686 - Sister in law’s Hazing Ritual During A Surfing Lesson (2023)


SMI 5685 - Sister in law’s Gaping Hole (2023)


SMI 5684 - Sister in law Why Are You Out There (2020)


SMI 5683 - Sex With Someone Else While Husband Is Sleeping (2022)

